Investigated event: Influence on cell viability

Name Value
Compound Homoharringtonine
Investigated event Influence on cell viability
Experiment type Flow cytometry- annexin V binding and propidium iodide staining
Concentration 40.00 ng/ml
Cell line K562
Organism Homo sapiens
Animal model
STAT protein
Homoharringtonine affects the JAK2-STAT5 signal pathway through alteration of protein tyrosine kinase phosphorylation in acute myeloid leukemia cells. European journal of haematology Hongyan Tong, Yanling Ren, Fengjuan Zhang, Jie Jin, 81, 4, None, 2008-07-08, 10.1111/j.1600-0609.2008.01116.x DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0609.2008.01116.x PUBMED: 18616510 PMCID: 18616510