Investigated event: Influence on protein activity in tumor tissue

Name Value
Compound LLL-12
Investigated event Influence on protein activity in tumor tissue
Experiment type Western Blot
Concentration 5.00 mg/kg
Cell line SJSA (xenograft)
Organism Mus musculus
Animal model
STAT protein p-STAT3 (Y705)
Small molecules, LLL12 and FLLL32, inhibit STAT3 and exhibit potent growth suppressive activity in osteosarcoma cells and tumor growth in mice. Investigational new drugs Grace-Ifeyinwa Onimoe, Aiguo Liu, Li Lin, Chang-Ching Wei, Eric B Schwartz, Deepak Bhasin, Chenglong Li, James R Fuchs, Pui-kai Li, Peter Houghton, Amanda Termuhlen, Thomas Gross, Jiayuh Lin, 30, 3, None, 2011-02-22, 10.1007/s10637-011-9645-1 DOI: 10.1007/s10637-011-9645-1 PUBMED: 21340507 PMCID: 21340507