Investigated event: Influence on cell proliferation

Name Value
Compound LLL-12
Investigated event Influence on cell proliferation
Experiment type Focus formation
Concentration 5.00 µM
Cell line SAOS2
Organism Homo sapiens
Animal model
STAT protein
Small molecules, LLL12 and FLLL32, inhibit STAT3 and exhibit potent growth suppressive activity in osteosarcoma cells and tumor growth in mice. Investigational new drugs Grace-Ifeyinwa Onimoe, Aiguo Liu, Li Lin, Chang-Ching Wei, Eric B Schwartz, Deepak Bhasin, Chenglong Li, James R Fuchs, Pui-kai Li, Peter Houghton, Amanda Termuhlen, Thomas Gross, Jiayuh Lin, 30, 3, None, 2011-02-22, 10.1007/s10637-011-9645-1 DOI: 10.1007/s10637-011-9645-1 PUBMED: 21340507 PMCID: 21340507