Investigated event: Influence on gene expression in presence of LPS

Name Value
Compound Indirubin
Investigated event Influence on gene expression in presence of LPS
Experiment type qRT-PCR
Concentration 100.00 nM
Cell line MMEC
Organism Mus musculus
Animal model
STAT protein
Other TNF-α
Indirubin Inhibits LPS-Induced Inflammation via TLR4 Abrogation Mediated by the NF-kB and MAPK Signaling Pathways. Inflammation Jin-Lun Lai, Yu-Hui Liu, Chang Liu, Ming-Pu Qi, Rui-Ning Liu, Xi-Fang Zhu, Qiu-Ge Zhou, Ying-Yu Chen, Ai-Zhen Guo, Chang-Min Hu, 40, 1, None, None, 10.1007/s10753-016-0447-7 DOI: 10.1007/s10753-016-0447-7 PUBMED: 27718095 PMCID: 27718095