Investigated event: Influence on protein activity

Name Value
Compound AZD1480
Investigated event Influence on protein activity
Experiment type Western Blot
Concentration 1.00 µM
Cell line CLBL-1
Organism Canis lupus familiaris
Animal model
STAT protein
Other p-JAK2
JAK1/2 Inhibitors AZD1480 and CYT387 Inhibit Canine B-Cell Lymphoma Growth by Increasing Apoptosis and Disrupting Cell Proliferation. Journal of veterinary internal medicine Z Lu, C C Hong, P C Jark, A L F V Assumpção, N Bollig, G Kong, X Pan, 31, 6, None, 2017-09-27, 10.1111/jvim.14837 DOI: 10.1111/jvim.14837 PUBMED: 28960447 PMCID: PMC5697192