Investigated event: Influence on protein activity in tumor tissue

Name Value
Compound AZD1480
Investigated event Influence on protein activity in tumor tissue
Experiment type Western Blot
Concentration 30.00 mg/kg
Cell line TC32 (xenograft)
Organism Mus musculus
Animal model athymic nude mice
STAT protein
Other Bcl-2
Inhibition of STAT3 with orally active JAK inhibitor, AZD1480, decreases tumor growth in Neuroblastoma and Pediatric Sarcomas In vitro and In vivo. Oncotarget Shuang Yan, Zhijie Li, Carol J Thiele, 4, 3, None, None, 10.18632/oncotarget.930 DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.930 PUBMED: 23531921 PMCID: PMC3717306