DD1; DD2; DD3
Name | Value |
Weight | 0.000 g/mol |
Zinc ID | N/A |
Smiles | N/A |
Molecular formula | N/A |
Mode of inhibition | Direct STAT; Binding aptamers |
CAS | N/A |
Clinical Trials
Study title | Status | Conditions | Link |
Publication | DOI | Pubmed | PMCID |
Company | Lnk to product |
MedKoo Biosciences | https://www.medkoo.com/products/29983 |
Filter data
Compound | DD1; DD2; DD3 | Experiment types | Concentrations | Cell lines | Organisms | Animal models | STAT proteins | Other |
Compound | Experiment type | Investigated event | Concentration | Cell line | Organism | Animal model | Stat protein | Details |